SIL Sapporo Nihongo Gakko
Students will learn to express themselves more freely in Japanese in all SIL classes.
Students will be able to make use of Japanese in many occasions of lives.
Students will develop conversation skills by practicing on grammar.
Students optionally can participate in culture experience programs such as Kimono, Ikebana, Sado and Kendo and so on.

Winter Course

Winter Intensive Courses with Ski/ Snowboard Lessons

Spring 5-Day Intensive Japanese Courses

Private Lesson
*Class times will be organized according to student demand.

Golden Week Intensive Japanese Course

Summer Intensive Courses

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Intensive Study Courses

July-August Parents&Children Summer Intensive Course
Course details
* Not including Textbook and workbook fees (depends on levels)
** For Heating Expense
*** For Heating Expense, Accommodation and Ski/Snowboard Lesson fees
**** For Heating Expense, Facility Usage, and Photocopied Material
A course consists of a minimum of 3 students and average 7 students. If fewer than 3 students apply for a course excluding private course by its application deadline, the course will be canceled.
Your accommodation can be arranged by us if you pay extra fees optionally.
Conditions like periods and options in some courses can be modified by your request.
If applicants want refunds, they must incur the fees.
Discount information
If you enroll in a course with 2 friends (Applicants are 3), we can give you 30% discounts off the application fees.
If you enroll in a course with 3 friends (Applicants are 4), we can give you 40% discounts off the application fees.
If you enroll in a course with more than 4 friends (Applicants are more than 5), we can give you 50% discounts off the application fees.
Admission Requirement
Applicants must secure their own visa.
Applicants should have studied Japanese for 100 hours at least.
Your application will be sent to both the language school and this website administrator.
Your correct and detailed information can provide insight to determine appropriate instructional materials and methods. Please answer as fully as possible.