Japanese language teachers in Japan

At the last article, we found who learns Japanese language in Japan. Then, we will find who Japanese language teachers in Japan are.
In terms of generations, 23.2% of all teachers are 60's followed by 50’s of 18.2%, 40’s of 15.7% and 30’s of 10.8%. In terms of duty positions, 60.0% of all 36,168 teachers are volunteers and 28.5% are part-time teachers while 11.5% are Full-time teachers. (Agency for Cultural Affairs 2015)
On the other hand, only 3.6% of teachers at Japanese language schools are volunteers while 94.5% of teachers at international foundations are volunteers (Agency for Cultural Affairs 2015). It seems that duty positions of teachers depend on institutions where teachers work. For international students who want to study Japanese systematically in short periods, it might be suitable to study at Japanese language schools.
Agency for Cultural Affairs 2015, The outline of domestic Japanese-language education, viewed 13 December 2016, <http://www.bunka.go.jp/tokei_hakusho_shuppan/tokeichosa/nihongokyoiku_jittai/h27/pdf/h27_zenbun.pdf>